Please scroll down for the Year 2013 General Prophesies
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Year 2013 is here! Praise the Lord!!!
Brethren, let us keep thanking and praising the Lord:
In the end time Last Days, major catastrophes are bound to happen on earth, but the power of the Almighty God that sustains the world kept the woes to the minimum level in Year 2012. So, let us keep thanking and praising this Great God of the Universe who knows our past, present and future.
The Missionary bodies on earth have a duty to save the world leaders and their nations through prophetic prayers:
Respective Government leaders all over the world and high profile personalities in the economic and socio-political circle need the power of God to rule their people and direct the affairs of their nations well as ordained by God. The Lord God Almighty Has established these kingdoms and they all need the power of God for sustenance. As missionary bodies, we have a role as ordained by God to save these leaders of the world and their nations through prayers.
YEAR 2013
By Prophet Dr. Stanley Kuforiji, General Overseer,
The Lamp Of Jerusalem Deliverance Ministries
(a.k.a. The Light Of The Lamb Rev. 21)
The General Prophesies below are from GOD, received through the HOLY GHOST. They are to guide us through out the Year 2013. We need Prayer for each of the Prophesies, so join us wherever you are. Much Prayer and total FAITH in GOD will bring the much needed peace, and send evil away from our domain. We thank the Lord God Almighty for the fulfillments of Year 2012 Prophesies and all the Testimonies of our people and brethren from all over the world. For the vast majority of those whose Testimonies were not published, please bear with us. We know you, and the Lord Jesus Christ knows you. Your Testimonies shall be permanent, and you shall remain blessed on earth in Jesus Name.
- The Church of God on earth shall suffer more persecutions in fulfillment of the Last Days Bible prophesies. Christians should be at alert and be ready to face more devastating challenges in Year 2013. Attack by mercenaries will shift more violently to churches, missionary centers, schools and camp grounds. Also, Government Institutions, hospitality and entertainment industry among others will be touched around the globe by the evil miscreants. The love of many will grow more sour toward the Church. There will be tensions among the elects themselves because of positions and material things; the lusts of the flesh making the Church to become weak and passive. The Church leaders and the saints should arise more violently in their prayers to quench the fiery dart of the wicked and enemies of Christ’ Church on earth in this end time. Intense satanic oppression will force many believers out of the Church, but the Word of God shall always prevail to stimulate and establish the true children of God.
- The Vision that I saw in my just concluded spiritual journey of “41 DAYS TO GLORY” and of which the Book also has been published:
In this vision, a loud fearful voice roared out of the middle of the sea…!
This vision was an extension of the visions that I received earlier, which was published in my book, “5 DAYS WONDERS OF GOD AND THE MIGHTY REVELATIONS”
The message to the world: The spirit of the old Babylon the Great will manifest more on earth in Year 2013 that will cause more woes in the Kingdom of God on earth. In this vision, I heard a very loud fearful voice which roared out of the middle of the sea, and which shook all the territories of the earth like a rumbling underneath the ground! Suddenly, the beast raised up its head, and behold a gigantic massive fearful being that was changing into many colors like a chameleon…!
In this Year 2013, Believers around the world should note that the old Babylon the Great shall arise more violently on every land and will recruit many to hell under the guise of Christian Church and other diabolical methods. Their activities will prevent genuine salvation of the people and brethren, and will lead to mass initiation into Satanism. The tension on earth will cause many to lose faith in Christ Jesus and seek for alternative power.
The Lord also directed me in this message to the Church, calling on the Churches and Ministries across the globe to firmly uphold Christ doctrine and preach undiluted Salvation messages to the people and brethren, and save the perishing souls in this Last Days. It is the desire of the Lord that all people should come to genuine repentance and receive Christ the Saviour of the world now and abide fully in His doctrine. Our Lord Jesus Christ died and shed His blood on the Cross to save the world, therefore, the Church messages to the brethren and the lost souls in this end time should be centered exclusively on the message of the Cross and Salvation. God Almighty the Creator of heaven and earth can heal, can save and can bless through the mighty power in the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
Our Ministry has also published other Holy Spirit inspired books to complement the above revelations, the titles of which include “GOD SHUT THE DARKNESS DOWN”, “THE FORTRESS OF THE CHRISTIANS”, “BELEIVERS’ MANIFEST”, “JESUS CALLING” and “BLESSINGS AND POWER TO THE KINGDOM PARTNERS.” According to the Lord’s directive, we are mobilizing saints across the globe whom God sent to also pray with us in this vision. If you want to partner with our Ministry and pray with us in this God-given vision, you can receive these books free-of-charge including other resources to achieve this objective. In this prophesy, when you partner and participate in God’s work, the Lord shall bless you also and you shall fulfill your God-given dreams on earth. Above all, you will find your name written in the Book of life to reign in Paradise with Christ forever (Rev. 20:15). You have tremendous spiritual benefits because the prayer power re-inforcement of the Millions saints shall also work for you.
- Natural Disasters, Political tensions, Civil riots and Religious wars:
In Year 2013 natural disasters of the worst and varied kinds will still occur in some countries of the world and ravage some cities, towns and villages. To be worst hit are the Asian and European continents. The political tensions and brutal anarchy in the Middle East and some other part of Asian continent will continue. Violent religious riots will also shake the nations of the Middle East. Many nations of the world will suffer more political and civil instability. Civil riots and Religious wars will grow more intense in most African countries, and especially in West Africa. There will be uncontrollable socio-political, civil unrest in the Southern Africa, Eastern Africa, Central Africa and Northern Africa. Some industries will fold up and will not be able to withstand political problems, civil unrests and riots. All these global woes will obviously have severe impact in the prospects of the respective states, and in the global economy. The kingdom of darkness will become more weird and continue using various forms of unrests and evil strategies to destabilize nations. All these are purely manifestations of the Last Days which are unavoidable according to the Bible Prophesies. Everyone should be at alert and pray more to God for mercy and safety. Many shocking fearful things will continue to happen on earth that will be beyond human knowledge and understanding! Let us as children of God continue to encourage ourselves in fervent prayers and fasting for God Almighty to save the lives of His people on earth. Prayer has done so much, let us continually give God the praise.
- The economic sector of many nations of the world, and especially Africa and Europe will suffer major crisis of labor unrest, and massive corruption that will send many industries and companies out of business including notable banks and financial institutions, and the media, but the children of God shall triumph and be lifted up above all satanic strongholds at any territory.
- Just as I prophesied in Year 2012 which came to pass, certain notable world leaders and politicians, specifically in Africa and Asia, will still die by direct assassinations incoup de tats, plane crashes and also in mysterious ways in Year 2013. Also some high profile personalities and celebrities across the globe will be subject of attacks from the enemies and political rivals. Fervent prayers will avert deaths and save these leaders. Prayer has done so much in the past till now in reducing the number of casualties. We shall intensify more efforts in our prayers to avert deaths and save these world leaders. Glory is unto the Lord Most High.
- It is evident that in these last days, the devil is in violent rage to recruit many to hell at all cost, and everyone, and every home is the target and especially those who do not stand upright in Christ. Drug addiction, alcoholism, vagabondism, satanic initiations, fetish homes and clubs will rise more on the land. The true missionaries of Jesus Christ around the world should arise more with power to save the people and especially the youth, and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to save the falling world! God Almighty shall surely save His children against these earthly woes of our time in Jesus Name. The time has come to stand upright in the Lord.
- As I prophesied in the Year 2012, there were devastating global road, air and sea disasters that occurred around the globe! It was also in the prophesy that the wicked spiritual powers would begin to use the road, air and the sea to launch their major attacks on people. This prophesy came to full manifestation to God’s glory. The purpose of this prophesy is to guide us; to always be at alert and pray more, and cry unto the Lord who alone holds the key, Supreme knowledge and Sovereign power to save. In this Year 2013, the wicked satanic power will agitate again, but Prayer Power re-inforcement shall surely avert deaths and save peoples’ lives on the road, in the air and on the sea. Prayer has done so much for us in the past and till now in reducing the number of casualties. We shall intensify more efforts in our prayers to avert deaths and save this world. Glory is unto the Lord Most High, for He is merciful and gracious. The Lord has promised to save the lives of His people and avert disasters. Always pray and read Isaiah 40, Isaiah 43, and Psalm 121 with your prayer whenever you are embarking on a journey and keep Praising the Lord.
- In Year 2013,Epidemics and diseases will break out and affect many, and especially the African countries suffering from the ravages of hyper-inflations, wars, famine and bad leadership. Africa in general, needs more education, and spiritual re-orientation and regimentation. The missionaries around the world have a role to play in this direction to save lives in the affected countries and the Lord shall be glorified. The missionary should do more in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and other relevant bodies to save human lives. Many who run to God for healing and deliverance shall surely be healed in Year 2013.
- Body of Christ Awake Now!
As the earth is currently under fire, will the Body of Christ continue to look on? The mentality of envy, hatred and criticism, even among the elects and brethren themselves should stop in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. The Body of Christ can not do much in rescuing the falling world because of lack of unity. It is a saddening phenomenon in this end times that the Body of Christ can not work in one accord! The ethics of Christ’ Doctrine is on solid foundation of Love to proliferate the Kingdom of God as ordained, and meet the kind of Church that Christ hope to meet on earth on His return. My fellow brethren, have you forgotten that the Apostles of the New Testament and the martyrs worked with one accord to create a veritable foundation for us? Let us make our Year 2013 a new wave of change for our better tomorrow.
- In this Year 2013, every individual person, every home isadmonished to move closer to GOD and Pray fervent prayers to send away unseen dangers from their domain, while also remembering their beloved ones home and abroad. When you pray and also spend much time with God the Father in worship, praises and thanksgiving, you also attract God’s richly Blessings unto your life and all battles of life and woes are overcomed to His glory. The Oppressors and Satanic agents all over the world shall find it tough and hard in this Year 2013 as GOD shall arise fully and fight for His elects. Children of GOD who are genuine believers will enjoy the full Blessings of GOD in all their ways throughout Year 2013 and beyond!
- GOD will surely show special mercy on those who uphold theCommandments and devote their lives more to the work of GOD, and who sow seeds to Kingdom work. The Lord to reward specially and bless faithful brethren according to His words in the Covenant He has made with His children. Deuteronomy 28: 1-14.
All children of GOD should offer Praises & Thanksgiving to GOD with Psalms 147, Psalm 148, Psalm 149, and Psalm 150 according to the Prophetic revelation for the world in this Year 2013 of our Lord.
For more enquiries about 2013 Prophesies, or to attend our Thanksgiving & Anointing Services and other programmes, or for Counseling and Help, please send email to:
Or call: +277 8935 5365.
Prophet Stanley’s Book titled “5 DAYS WONDERS OF GOD AND THE MIGHTY REVELATIONS” is a must read which speaks more about shocking Revelations and the End of the World saga!
CLICK HERE to read more and also other books…..